The Split Bean is a fictional coffee shop that is targeted towards young adults and coffee lovers. I modified the font BD Plakatbau for the main logo to achieve the perfect look for this coffee company. The submark is a vertical coffee bean with a split down the middle that forms an S shape. Not only is this design ideal for Split Bean, but it also serves as the perfect icon for smaller applications.
I used Adobe Illustrator to create the logos and patterns, as well as the coffee bag design. Using Photoshop, I applied my coffee bag designs to a mockup to show the pattern on the side of the bag as well as the front. The coffee bean pattern was made using the submark and utilizes positive and negative shapes to create visual interest. I created a set of core values for the brand, emphasizing sustainability, community, fairness and respect. The colour palette, fonts and designs I've created heavily reflect these ideas.
This piece was featured in the February AUArts SCD exhibition, 'Good Vibrations'.

Dark Roast Coffee Bag Design

Medium Roast Coffee Bag Design

Light Roast Coffee Bag Design

Branding Board